Midsummer Early Dance & Music Festival Schedule
BST or London Time Zone
Saturday, 20th of June
13:30 Registration opens
The chance to try the technology, to ask questions about the format and meet the participants and organisers for a friendly chat.
14:00 – 15:00 Charlotte Ewart: “Step In Time – Tudors to Tommies.” https://charlotteewartdance.com/
In this workshop for the whole family, Charlotte will teach two fun, easy and accessible dances from two different times – Renaissance and Ragtime – and demonstrate how we can learn about the past by dancing it.
15:00 – 16:00 Sasza Zargowski: (Mr. Gosk’s Dance Academy, UK): “Between stage and ballroom – early 19th century technique for Quadrille.”
Mr. Gosk’s Dance Academy presents a session on Quadrille technique based on the books of Gourdoux-daux (1817) and Alexander Strathy (1822). Comparisons will be drawn between different step combinations for the principle figures in the Quadrille. The second half will be devoted to Strathy’s Pas de Zephyre, along with some of the more advanced enchaînements.
16:00 – 17:00 Elana&Egor Anosovy (Trianon, Russia): “Mazurka a la Russe: experiencing Tolstoy’s ball scenes.” https://trianon-studio.ru/en/our-teachers
“…But Kitty did not expect much from the quadrille. She looked forward with a thrill at her heart to the mazurka. She fancied that in the mazurka everything must be decided…”
L. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina Part 1.Chapter 23.
17:00 – 18:00 Hubert Hazebrouqc (Les Corps Eloquents, France): “Variations and Evolutions of the basic “minuet step”, 1688-1797.” https://www.facebook.com/LesCorpsEloquents
“Travel” from the first described basic step, in 1688, to one of the last description in 1797, and feel how much the rhythms and even the movements for the basic minuet steps have changed throughout the “long Eighteenth Century.”
Sunday, 21st of June
13:30 Registration opens
14:00 – 15:00 Darren Royston (Nonsuch, UK): “Making Dance Dramatic: Much Ado About Dancing.” http://www.darrenroyston.com/biography/
Dance in the context of Theatre requires you to think about many other things than simply the steps. Learn how the different characteristics of Shakespeare’s dances can create drama on the dance floor.
15:00 – 16:00 Cait Webb&Chris Elmes (Gaita, UK): “The Queen of Measures.” http://www.gaita.co.uk/
This class will cover the essentials of rhythm, steps and style for performing 15th century Italian bassadanza, and teach one of the surviving choreographies, with live music.
16:00 – 17:00 Edmund Fairfax (Canada): “Style and Technique in Eighteenth-Century Ballet.” https://eighteenthcenturyballet.com/
Edmund will share his ongoing research into the technique of eighteenth-century ballet touching on its connection with the modern style and debunking some common misconceptions about the 18th century dance.
17:00 – 17:45 Quiz: “What is early dance?”
You saw early dance in period dramas and on paintings, read about it in books, maybe, even experienced it at balls or heritage sites. Check you knowledge for a chance to win some prizes.
17:45 – 18:30 Q&A session with teachers “In your shoes”